
Clarification To My Previous Post

I received this comment from "Anonymous," as a response to my previous post, Black Friday/Consumerism/Church/Black X-mas:
'Quit complaining about the Church. You are the Church.
Love her painfully well. Stop pointing fingers and take a deep look at yourself.'

Maybe I should have made some precautionary statements so that didn't happen.

I understand "Anonymous'" concern. However, I did not mean to sound as if I was complaining in any way, shape, or form. I believe the Church is a beautiful thing. Established by God to be his change agent in the world. He has given all responsibility to the Church. It seems God believes a whole lot more in the Church than anyone ever could. That fact is very comforting to me.

The goal of my previous post was to simply express some thoughts that have been on my mind. I in no way meant to demean the Church. I in no way was meaning to point fingers because as you stated I am the Church. So the finger would have been pointing at me in the end. I was simply trying to bring to light something I perceive to be true. I was looking deep within myself while posting. I realize I have a lot of change that needs to take place within me. I am in a stage of my life where I am constantly trying to find ways I believe are the best to live the teachings of Jesus. I apologize for any misunderstandings.

The end.