

The tough thing about writing 'Life Rules" down is that I'm supposed to follow them. If I don't, I'm a fake. A fraud.

Today, I was authentic and honest. It wasn't easy. In fact, it sucked. I've never really been that authentic or really that honest about stuff in my life. As I continue this journey trying to glorify God, I am beginning to understand more and more that life is meant to be lived transparently, in community with other believers. You have to get dirty with other people's junk and let them get dirty with yours. For a long time, I only lived out certain parts of community, but other parts I kept for myself. I thought it would be okay if I didn't open up. I'm learning I was only hurting myself.

It was really hard, being authentic and honest. I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I'm not a fake.


Note: This isn't a picture of the perfect world we've created for ourselves in Southern California.


carsonbelmont said...

Were you authentic and honest with me and I didn't realize it.

RobinDayle said...

I'm glad you aren't a fake either.

You can be real with me (but if you tell me that you don't like me, I might cry). :-)